Steel Profiling For Rail Bridges, OLE Projects & Signal Gantries

Murray Steel Plate

The Murray Steel Products profiling and processing team regularly work with rail industry contractors  to supply custom steel components for rail, road and pedestrian bridges, signal gantries, OLE infrastucture and station renewal projects.


Our in-house ISO 9001 and CE Execution Class 4 accredited processing facility has previously manufactured a range of items for use in Crossrail, Network Rail and TfL projects, including components for rail bridges and footbridges, mast bases, mono anchor booms and secondary steelwork for stations.

In addition to an experienced team, our processing operation is equipped with state-of-the-art profiling, cutting and drilling machinery that guarantees a high degree of accuracy, reducing the cost and time of your fabrication work.

It also gives us the capability to manufacture large components - we can supply profiled steel plate in thicknesses up to 400mm and dimensionally we can cut up to 24 metres in length and 5 metres wide - in the volumes needed for major projects.

Our machinery includes:

The set-up is backed by an in-house CAD team, who will transform your complex designs into highly-accurate cutting programs and nests that maximise material yield to help manage your costs.

Murray Steel Products are also one of the biggest suppliers of steel plate in the UK and have large stocks of certified materials available, helping to reduce lead times for our processing and profiling team.

If you require steel components for bridges, signal gantries, station renewals or OLE booms and masts manufacturing, contact us on 0114 250 3602 or via the website to organise a quote.